財神扮演 God of Wealth

在中國文化中,財神被廣泛認為具有賜予大家財富的能力。所以在新年期間大家都會聘請財神演員 – 為未來一年帶來好運

The god of wealth (CaiShen) is widely believed to possess the ability to bestow riches on his devotees in Chinese Culture. Naturally, this provides a great incentive for many to hire our Caishen acting services—for the sake of good fortune!

我們的財神表演服務包括為與途人拍照、贈送禮物和祝賀他們。 最適合中國新年活動。

Our Caishen acting service includes taking photos, giftings, and bestowing wishes to all attendees. This event is most suited for Chinese New Year events to act as a spirit booster to participants for a brand new year.