聖誕老人 Santa Claus

慶祝聖誕點少得Ho-ho-ho~呢,我地既聖誕老人以其歡快的身姿和舉止點燃了這個非常特別的節日氣氛,可以派發聖誕禮物予活動參與者 / 途人,幫助使活動更添色彩和快樂。

A Christmas celebration just doesn’t feel right without “Ho-ho-ho” events! Our Santa Clauses, along with igniting this very special festive atmosphere with their cheery presence and demeanours, can provide Christmas Gifts to all participants to help make the event a fruitful and merry one.


This service is suitable for all Christmas Day Events, such as those in ceremonies, club houses, schools, or shopping malls.